There are many ways to contribute to CNTA, and one of those ways is by volunteering. We have several committees formed within our organization, and through these committees we plan events, discuss the future of CNTA, and keep the community informed about nuclear technology.
Below are CNTA’s standing committees:

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is responsible for ensuring accurate and timely information to the media, stakeholders, and the public and to reflect the goals and objectives of CNTA. They write all CNTA press releases and publish the Nuclear Science Week Insert in the Aiken Standard every year.

Education Committee
The goal of the Education Committee is to educate the public on the benefits, uses, and truths of nuclear technology. They oversee all education outreach activities and organize the Educator Grants Program and Essay Contest.

Young Professionals Committee
The purpose of the Young Professionals Committee is to recruit and engage young professional members by providing them with mentorship and professional development opportunities as well as raising money to make membership free for those under 40. They oversee the fall fundraiser, which provides funds for these endeavors and the Tap Into Nuclear series.

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee aims to create innovative initiatives to provide and promote value to members, retain current membership, and attract new members.

Golf Tournament Committee
The Golf Committee is responsible for reviewing previous tournaments and planning the next annual tournament. This planning includes raffles, marketing, and food and beverage. The Annual CNTA Charity Golf Tournament is the biggest fundraiser of the year. Volunteers are needed to help plan the event and dozens of day-of volunteers make this event possible.