Levels of Business Membership
Diamond- $25,000 or more
Platinum- $10,000-$24,999
Gold- $5,000-$9,999
Silver- $2,500-$4,999
Above membership donors will be listed in each Newsletter and on the CNTA website; includes one Sustaining membership, named by the Business Member; opportunity to provide articles in each newsletter; advertising at annual CNTA events (to be coordinated with CNTA).
Bronze Business- $1,000-$2,499
Listed in each Newsletter and on the CNTA Home Page; includes one individual Sustaining membership (named by the Business member).
Business Member - $500-$999
Listed in each Newsletter; one individual Sustaining membership (named by the Member).

Application Information
All business members receive the benefits of donating to a non-profit and advertisements of their business in our newsletters and at CNTA events. Higher level sponsors also receive their company logo displayed on our website.
CNTA’s Business membership:CNTA Business Membership Form 2025-2026. Complete it and email to cnta@bellsouth.net or mail to our office. Business memberships can also be invoiced upon request.
Businesses and partner organizations can also sponsor events throughout the year! 2025 CNTA Business Partnership Opportunities has our up-to-date list of sponsorship opportunities.

Please note there is a 3% card fee added at checkout.