The purpose of the Young Professionals Committee is to recruit and engage CNTA’s young professional members by providing them with mentorship and professional development opportunities and raising money to support free membership for those under 40.
The YP Committee consists of two subcommittees; the Professional Development & Mentoring Subcommittee and the Fundraising Subcommittee.
Contact: for more information
Professional Development & Mentoring Subcommittee
Description: This subcommittee is responsible for facilitating mentoring relationships among CNTA members and organizing the professional development series, “Tap into Nuclear”. Tap into Nuclear events are typically held after work hours every other month. Event formats vary from in person panel discussions and workshops to online webinars. Subcommittee volunteers may be a mix of young and experienced professionals.
Fundraising Subcommittee
Description: This subcommittee is responsible for planning CNTA’s annual Young Professionals Fundraiser within an approved budget. This consists of determining the type of event, seeking corporate sponsorship, selecting a venue, etc. Past fundraisers have included a Costume Ball, Oyster Roast, and Low Country Boil.
Description: Liaisons to the Communications, Education, and Membership Committees are expected to actively participate in their respective committees (see other committee descriptions) and facilitate young professional engagement in CNTA.